

[Event] 10th Roundtable Discussion with Loose Fungi .



*Watch the archived video here*

A glimpse at this year’s roundtable discussion!
The Roundtable with Loose Fungi
is now in its 10th session!

For the memorable 10th event, Dr. Mikawa came as our guest!

The first half of the meeting was to tell about the renewal of the
website of the Intestinal Flora Transplant Clinical Study Group.

The flow of efforts to address autism spectrum disorders and
information on medical facilities that can provide transplants are also easily accessible.

And, it was time for Hatanaka-san’s talk on how to relieve stress and
tips for filling in notes to write after tests and transplants
to hear specific stories.
I think some of the stories were familiar!

Dr. Mikawa joined us for the second half of the event.
Dr. Mikawa, who has been involved in the intestinal flora transplantation clinic since its establishment,
is the director of the Futamata Kai Natural Art Clinic in Tokyo.

The introduction of the clinic was impressive, with private rooms where patients can spend time without worrying about other patients.

It is a valuable clinic that also has a permanent Gaze Finder, a “viewpoint measuring device” that can measure what a child is looking at closely.

It was a great time to hear about nutritional therapy, which is not easy to hear.
Thank you, Dr. Mikawa!

Click here to watch the video.

Since we started our roundtable discussion with the Loose Fungi, we’ve been holding it steadily every month, and this will be our tenth! We have had various people participate as guests and many participants who have watched the show. Thank you for everything!

Guest is Naomi Hatanaka, representative of the General Incorporated Association Challenged LIFE

And now we are pleased to announce that our special guest will be Dr. Yasuhito Mikawa, Director of Natural Art Clinic!

Dr. Mikawa has been working on intestinal bacteria (plexus) transplantation since the establishment of the Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Study Group, a general foundation.
He was a speaker at the 2021 academic conference and opened his clinic in Tokyo with the philosophy of improving the “natural healing power (self-healing power)” that people naturally possess in a “natural way” as much as possible. He has been a speaker at academic conferences in Japan and abroad for over 20 years.

The clinic is designed so that parents of children with ASD can see their children in a completely private room, so that even if they speak a little loudly, other patients will not hear them. We are also one of the few clinics that have a Gazefinder (gazefinder) permanently installed.

We’ll show you what kind of room you’ll be in that day in a loose roundtable discussion!

Outline of the event

[Date and time].

January 25, 2023 (Wed.) Noon 13:00-14:00
Held online at

☆Possible extension:
☆Will be recorded for the record, but will not be released in its entirety.

Around 1:15 – 1:30 p.m. Yasuhito Mikawa, Director of Natural Art Clinic,
will make a guest appearance at

▪ Free to attend
▪ You don’t have to show up
▪ Come and go as you please


when the time is right from the following zoom.
You can join us at

Join a Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83756415783?pwd=OXhBanhDcFN0ZkxMaVFuelFIMkQ1dz09

Meeting ID: 832 8360 8980
Passcode: 676595

Also, if you add us as a friend on LINE, we will send you a link to join the ZOOM as a reminder on the morning of the event.
We would appreciate your LINE registration as well.

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〈End〉[Event]The 16th Roundtable Discussion with Loose Fungi

*Archived videos are available*. [A glimpse at the 16th Loose Fungi and Roundtable Discussion! This roundtable discuNaomi Hatanaka of Challenged LIFE as a guestas our guests 第7回学術大会を終えて内容の振り返りチャレンジドLIFEさん主催のセミナーについてASDのお子さんのために新しい診療方法を模索中ですなどなど、 特にASDや障害のあるお子さんがいる親御さんに見ていただきたい内容が盛りだくさんです! ぜひ、動画をご覧ください! ぜひ、下記のyoutubeよりご覧ください! 第16回ゆるっと菌たちと座談会のゲストは、一般社団法人チャレンジドLIFE代表の畠中直美さん 今年も無事、学術大会が終了して畠中さんと一緒に振り返りをしたいと思います! また、畠中さんもいろんなイベントを主催されていてイベントのこともお聞きしていきます! 開催概要 【日時】  2023年 10月30日 (月) 昼12:00~13:00オンライン開催 ☆延長の可能性あり☆Facebookライブでも視聴可能☆記録のため録画録音しますが、そのままは公開しません ・参加無料・顔出ししなくても大丈夫・出入り自由 参加方法 下記のzoomより、時間になりましたらご参加していただけます。 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83756415783?pwd=OXhBanhDcFN0ZkxMaVFuelFIMkQ1dz09 ミーティングID: 837 5641 5783パスコード: 013185 【Zoom参加特典】Zoomにご参加頂くと直接、質問をすることも可能です!チャットでの質問もできるので顔を出したくない方も安心! また、LINEでお友達追加をして頂くと、当日の朝にリマインドとしてzoomの参加リンクをお送りさせて頂きます。 ぜひ、LINE登録もよろしくお願いいたします。


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