We are pleased to announce that the 8th Annual Conference will be held again this year. (Venue and online)
Anyone is welcome to attend, not only healthcare professionals, but also the general public, students, etc.
◼︎Date and time
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Start 11:00 am (Registration 10:00 am) – Closing at 17:00 pm
*General Meeting: Held before the Annual Conference (members only)
※Reception: 5:30 p.m. start
Everyone is welcome to attend. (Limited to the first 100 people)
Rihga Royal Hotel Osaka
5-3-68 Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0005, Japan
Access here
Free shuttle bus from JR Osaka here
Parking information
◼︎Greetings from the Representative Director

We are pleased to announce that the Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research Society of Japan is celebrating its 8th Annual Conference. We would like to express our gratitude for the support and cooperation of patients who have undergone transplantation, physicians and other medical professionals affiliated with the study group, supporting members, and the general public.
Our research group was the first private organization in Japan to systematically engage in intestinal microflora transplantation. In May last year, doctors belonging to our research group started a clinical study of “a novel fecal microbiota transplantation method using nanobubble water (NanoGAS® water)” (novel FMT method) for children with autism spectrum disorder aged 5 to 12 years, without using antimicrobial agents commonly used in conventional methods. Unlike conventional methods, this new FMT method does not require administration of antimicrobial agents or intestinal cleansing as a pretreatment, and is a new technology that is effective with a small dose, about 1/1000 of the conventional dosage.
This year, we have successfully completed this specific clinical study, and we are pleased to report the results to you. As a result of our research, the novel FMT method has shown promising results in autism spectrum disorder. We also plan to publish these results in an international paper to share them with the world. Furthermore, we will continue our clinical validation of intestinal microbiota transplantation for cancer and various other diseases in the future.
We would like to ask for your continued support and cooperation.
10:30 Doors open |
11:00- <Morning Session> |
Opening Remarks Representative Director: Zen Tanaka (President, Tanaka Clinic, Jinseikai Medical Corporation) |
Possibility of intestinal microflora transplantation in cancer treatment Noriaki Yorozu (Director, Yorozu Clinic, Medical Corporation Iryushinkai) |
A case report of breast cancer in which transplantation of intestinal microbiota was effective Zen Tanaka (President, Tanaka Clinic, Jinseikai Medical Corporation) |
Supporting health by “drinking” gas Reduction of oxidative stress by “Hydrogen NanoGAS®︎ water” and its general use Risako Morishita (Researcher, Symbiosis, Inc.) |
To the Bacteria Called “Bad Bacteria 〜Are you a “culprit”? Mysteries of the intestinal ecosystem Chihiro Yamamoto (Senior Researcher, Symbiosis, Inc.) |
Intestinal flora test and early detection of cancer Makoto Shimizu (Senior Researcher, Symbiosis, Inc.) |
Lunch break (boxed lunch included) |
Company introductions |
Lunchtime Talk Session The Magic Time of Le Cooker: Make, Eat, and Smile Naomi Hatanaka (Representative of Challenged LIFE) Chisato Suginohara (Representative of Miichan’s Sweets Studio) Sachiko Taki (Representative of General Incorporated Association Kodomo ni Naru) |
<Afternoon Session> |
Keynote Speech Developmental Disabilities: Seeing, Looking, Watching, Diagnosing, and Dr. Satoru Hirayama Osaka Maternal and Child Health Center Osaka Maternal and Child Medical Center Deputy Director, Department of Children’s Mental Health Clinical Study Report on the Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Method for Autism |
Spectrum Disorders Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Method for Autism Spectrum Disorders Masahiko Shirotani (Director, Luke’s Ashiya Clinic) |
Panel Discussion and Q&A |
Future initiatives (from members) |
Closing remarks Masahiko Johya, Executive Director (Director, Luke’s Ashiya Clinic) |
*The content and order of presentations are subject to change.
Possibility of intestinal microflora transplantation
Noriaki Yorozu
Medical Corporation Iryushinkai Yorozu Clinic director

Breast Cancer Case Report
Yoshinori Tanaka
Medical Corporation Nizenkai Tanaka Clinic board chairman

Hydrogen NanoGAS® Basic Research
Risako Morishita
Symbiosis, Inc. researcher

To the bacteria called “bad bacteria
Chihiro Yamamoto
Symbiosis, Inc. Principal Investigator

Animations and movies often have villains. They certainly do harm to the protagonist’s side, and sometimes they even enjoy it. But reality is a bit more complicated. When we find the “bad side” of things, we tend to confuse its existence with that of evil. What are these bacteria called “bad bacteria” doing to us? Are they evil at all times? Why are they there? As a stepping stone to deciphering the complex intestinal ecosystem, I would like to briefly introduce the bacteria called bad bacteria.
Intestinal flora testing and early detection of cancer
Makoto Shimizu
Symbiosis, Inc. Principal Investigator

Lunchtime Talk Session
“Make, Eat, and Smile: The Magical Hours of Le Cooker.”
In this talk session, three women who are working for the joy of cooking, eating, and spreading smiles and children will share their thoughts and experiences.
Naomi Hatanaka
General Incorporated Association Challenged LIFE representative

Chisato Suginohara
Miichan’s Confectionery Workshop representative

He also makes use of his experience to conduct social contribution activities for young people. In June 2024, she opened “Miichan’s Confectionery Workshop” and started the Sweets Kids’ Lab experience program as a place for children to learn.
Author of “Miichan’s Confectionery Workshop” The Birth of a 12-Year-Old Pastry Chef: Unlearning to Raise a Child
Sachiko Taki
General Incorporated Association Become a Childrepresentative
Child Development Support and After-School Daycare Service Le Cooker person in charge (of an area of responsibility, but not necessarily supervising other staff)

While working with families with living difficulties and people with disabilities, she saw that the ordinary was not the norm, and keenly realized that “childcare is about people”. She became a freelance childcare worker. She continues to practice “not to leave anyone alone” as a member of both the government and private sectors. She also provides her practice to companies, etc., so that Le Clos’s new form of welfare can become a model case. Provides support and consultation to families in need. Conducting social studies field trips that connect children and businesses. Supporting children with disabilities and their parents in our restaurant-based welfare business. We value our philosophy, “Never leave anyone alone”, and we are committed to being close to those who are most anxious.
keynote speech
Mr. Tetsu Hirayama
Osaka Prefectural Hospital Organizationrepresentative
Osaka Maternal and Child Health Center, Department of Children’s Mental HealthDeputy Minister

Report on Specific Clinical Research Results
Masahiko Shirotani
Luke’s Ashiya Clinic director

Future Initiatives
Yuichi Kawai(Medical Corporation Yuakai Cute Internal Medicine Clinic, Chairman of the Board of Directors)
Yoshitaka Fukuzawa(Director and Professor Emeritus, Aichi Medical University)「Future Challenges and Prospects in the Usefulness of FMT」
*Speakers’ speeches will be posted as soon as they are confirmed.
◼︎Registration and Participation Fee
◼︎Sponsor Booths

The biggest concern for parents of children with disabilities is, “What will happen to this child when we are gone?” . The Oyanaki “Yugon White Paper®” is a sheet that allows people with disabilities to leave behind information in a “simple, easy, and reliable” checklist format so that those around them can understand and support them.

Hydrogen NanoGAS water is the basis of fecal microflora transplantation and is being applied beyond medicine; NEDO grant verified flavor maintenance of sake and wine, and found that the addition of the water changes the flavor. Consultations are available by appointment on the day of the conference.
Reservation form in preparation

Our entire staff will be waiting for you.



Genmai Enzyme Co., Ltd. was founded in 1971. Genmai Enzyme, a dietary supplement made from brown rice, germ, and epidermis fermented with yeast, is an easily digestible health supplement and is produced at the company’s factory in Hokkaido, Japan. No pesticides have been detected in the product and no food additives are used. Please feel free to consume it.

Born in Hokkaido, Japan, Odaka Enzyme is a pioneer company that created the first plant fermented extract in Japan.
We hope to contribute to health and beauty through plant fermented beverages produced by a process that has remained unchanged for about 100 years.
We will be offering tastings on the day of the event.

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