
Natural Art Clinic!

Interview about transplant experience “I felt I was talking more and my bowel movements were much improved.”

Natural Art Clinic!


Mr. K and his family have been suffering from autism spectrum disorder including irritability, tantrums, constipation, and allergies.

He was very particular and sometimes ran out of anxiety when there was an unexpected event.
We asked Mr. K’s family about the changes that occurred after the intestinal flora transplant.

Name of disease: Autism spectrum disorder
Transplant period: July 15, 2023 – August 19, 2023 
Transplant course: 6 transplants
Transplant attending physician: Futamatakai Medical Corporation Natural Art Clinic
Post-transplant diagnosis: Moderate improvement of symptoms

Q1. What changes have you seen in your child through all six sessions of the intestinal microflora transplant (hereafter referred to as FMT)?

During the time I was undergoing FMT, I felt that I was talking more after the transplant and that my bowel movements were much improved.

Q2. What is the status of your child’s dietary diversity and likes/dislikes?

The diet itself has always had few picky eaters and has not changed significantly. I have always tried to eat a diet low in additives. I occasionally eat out or have fast food fries about once a month, and I sometimes eat commercial snacks, but basically I take care of the three meals I eat at home. Basically, I have no likes or dislikes, and I drink water instead of juice. I also use alkaline ionized water.

Q3. Have there been any changes in your allergy symptoms, especially hay fever, compared to last year?

It could be hay fever against cypress, but even at this time of year when the parents are showing hay fever symptoms, the child has not shown any symptoms so far.

Q4. Did you notice any changes in your ADHD tendencies or restlessness after the transplant?

I feel that he is calming down a little bit, 2 years ago was very bad and he decided to have FMT at that time, so maybe it is his age growth, but he is calmer than he was then. Immediately after the transplant, he started talking a lot and the change itself was felt a little bit.

However, it still remains that it is an obsession, a behavior that I cannot stop. I feel like my obsession has been stronger this past January~March. It could be due to many factors, such as the change of season, stress from the graduation ceremony, taking supplements after FMT, etc.

Q5. can you tell us about your child’s bowel movements and family communication about them?

We talk about the condition of stools as a family. He is in the sixth grade, but he still tells me about his stools, like, “I got this big one. Sometimes they actually show me. I would like to continue to pay attention to the smell, shape, whether it comes out smoothly, and so on.

During the winter months, the frequency decreased a bit, sometimes to about once every three days. Still, I try to drink plenty of water, and I don’t take any medication for bowel movements that I used to take before.

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