




*Watch the archived video here*

[A glimpse of the mini-seminar!]

This time, a mini seminar on
“The Deep Relationship between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intestinal Bacteria” and a Kaobo TV trial event
were held at Kimura Hospital in Nagoya at the same time.

In the mini-seminar,

How are autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intestinal bacteria related?
What is the intestinal flora transplant that Kojima-san’s children are undergoing?
What is “Kao-TV,” which allows us to see what our children are watching?

What is “Kao-TV” that can tell what your child is watching? We will hold Kao-TV trial sessions on a regular basis in the future!

Please watch it from youtube below!

From the Kimura Hospital in Nagoya, Japan
“The Deep Relationship between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intestinal Bacteria” and a Kaobo TV trial event
will be held simultaneously.
The mini seminar will also be available online. (The mini seminar will also be available online (details to follow).

Saturday, August 12

Location: 465-0087, Japan
2-22-1, Meitohondori, Meito-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan
Medical Corporation Keimeikai Kimura Hospital
GoogleMap ⇒https://goo.gl/maps/WuvFB1mMfTDPMZVf7

Mini-seminar capacity: 20 people
[KAOHSIUNG TV CAPACITY].5組 Two sets left
Participation fee] 200 yen (Adults only, free for children and online participation)

Flow of the day

14:00~Reception start
・Dr. Mamoru Kimura, Chairman of the Board, Keinaikai Kimura Hospital
・Mikiko Tanaka, Councilor, Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Research Foundation
“Deep relationship between autism spectrum disorder and intestinal bacteria”
・Isuko Kojima, Representative, Eye Step
“Experience of intestinal flora transplantation”
15:00~Round-table discussion: Kaohsiung TV experience for those who wish to experience “What’s Kaohsiung TV” *Reservations required

Advance reservations are required for the Kaohsiung TV trial session.
You can apply from the following link.

Online Participation

The mini-seminar, which will begin at 14:30 on the day of the event, will also be available online.
Online participation will be free of charge, so please enter from the zoom link below when the time comes.

Topic: “Deep relationship between autism spectrum disorder and intestinal bacteria” in Nagoya Kimura Hospital

Join a Zoom meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83756415783?pwd=OXhBanhDcFN0ZkxMaVFuelFIMkQ1dz09

Meeting ID: 830 1636 6675
Passcode: 572083

What’s Face TV?

This is a machine that easily measures your child’s eye movement.
By knowing how your child looks at things and what interests him or her,
parents can help you understand your child’s development.

How do you measure it?

Measurement is simple. The child simply sits on the parent’s lap and watches the screen for 3 minutes.
It takes about 10 minutes, including the results which are given on the spot.
There is nothing painful or scary about it.

There will be a variety of images on the screen. It may be helpful in raising your child if you know what kind of things your child is interested in.

subject (of taxation, etc.)2 years old – 6th grade elementary school

Holding of the event

Organized by : I-Step Representative Ikuko Kojima
Supported by: Intestinal Flora Transplantation Clinical Study Group, Inc.


〈End〉[Event]The 16th Roundtable Discussion with Loose Fungi

〈End〉[Event]The 16th Roundtable Discussion with Loose Fungi

*Archived videos are available*. [A glimpse at the 16th Loose Fungi and Roundtable Discussion! This roundtable discuNaomi Hatanaka of Challenged LIFE as a guestas our guests 第7回学術大会を終えて内容の振り返りチャレンジドLIFEさん主催のセミナーについてASDのお子さんのために新しい診療方法を模索中ですなどなど、 特にASDや障害のあるお子さんがいる親御さんに見ていただきたい内容が盛りだくさんです! ぜひ、動画をご覧ください! ぜひ、下記のyoutubeよりご覧ください! 第16回ゆるっと菌たちと座談会のゲストは、一般社団法人チャレンジドLIFE代表の畠中直美さん 今年も無事、学術大会が終了して畠中さんと一緒に振り返りをしたいと思います! また、畠中さんもいろんなイベントを主催されていてイベントのこともお聞きしていきます! 開催概要 【日時】  2023年 10月30日 (月) 昼12:00~13:00オンライン開催 ☆延長の可能性あり☆Facebookライブでも視聴可能☆記録のため録画録音しますが、そのままは公開しません ・参加無料・顔出ししなくても大丈夫・出入り自由 参加方法 下記のzoomより、時間になりましたらご参加していただけます。 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83756415783?pwd=OXhBanhDcFN0ZkxMaVFuelFIMkQ1dz09 ミーティングID: 837 5641 5783パスコード: 013185 【Zoom参加特典】Zoomにご参加頂くと直接、質問をすることも可能です!チャットでの質問もできるので顔を出したくない方も安心! また、LINEでお友達追加をして頂くと、当日の朝にリマインドとしてzoomの参加リンクをお送りさせて頂きます。 ぜひ、LINE登録もよろしくお願いいたします。


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