

[Event] The 3rd Roundtable Discussion with Loose Bacteria – Surprised at the Changes after Transplantation…Why? .



*The event has ended*.

We want to bring the world’s most promising treatment, intestinal flora transplantation (FMT), to children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
We want children with ASD to have a more liveable, secure everyday life!

With this in mind, our study group has taken on the challenge of crowdfunding. Thank you very much for your support.

What are gut bacteria?
Why is ASD related to poop?
Are kids with ASD processing information super fast?!
Is FMT a treatment option for ASD in the US?

There are still many things we don’t know about autism spectrum disorders.
Around the world, research on intestinal bacteria and autism spectrum disorder has been increasingly initiated.

In Japan, the method of transplanting intestinal bacteria is still in the process of becoming a medical treatment, but our research group was established five years ago out of concern for the increasing number of diseases that cannot be cured by current medical treatment.

More than 40 people attended the first Yurutte Bacteria Roundtable and gave us positive feedback that it was good to hear about the experiences of parents who have actually had transplants and that it has become an institution for learning about intestinal bacteria.

There, we will discuss On July 15, we will hold our third roundtable discussion with the Loose Fungi online.

This time, we welcome Ms. Naomi Hatanaka, who participated as a guest in the first session, to talk in more detail about her transplant experience and the changes she has experienced since her transplant.
Ms. Naomi Hatanaka is a mother of three boys, the oldest of whom was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and is currently working on various things. She experienced transplantation at our workshop.

In addition, we will talk about the nanobubbles that support the transplants in our study group.
There may be a deep relationship between gut bacteria and nanobubbles in the changes after transplantation.

Whether you listened to the first session or this is your first time, you are welcome to just listen or talk with us.
No charge, no registration required, no need to show up, come and go as you please!
Please join us in a relaxed, radio-like atmosphere. You are welcome to ask questions in advance and chat during the roundtable discussion.

Outline of the event

【Date & Time】

Friday, July 15, 2022, 12:00 noon – 1:00 pm
To be held online

The session may be extended, and will be recorded for the record, but will not be made public.


~Why are you surprised at the changes after transplantation? ~Why?

GUEST: Naomi Hatanaka
Naomi Hatanaka is a mother of three boys, her older son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (= ASD) and experienced a transplant at the study group.
She will talk about her transplant experience.

-No registration required
-Free to attend
-No need to show up
-Free to come and go

The 1st Roundtable Discussion with Loose Fungi Video

We are pleased to present some of the video clips from the “First Loose Fungi and Roundtable Discussion” held on June 15.
We asked the participants to share their impressions as mothers whose children have actually experienced transplantation.

Crowdfunding Project Page


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〈End〉[Event]The 16th Roundtable Discussion with Loose Fungi

*Archived videos are available*. [A glimpse at the 16th Loose Fungi and Roundtable Discussion! This roundtable discuNaomi Hatanaka of Challenged LIFE as a guestas our guests 第7回学術大会を終えて内容の振り返りチャレンジドLIFEさん主催のセミナーについてASDのお子さんのために新しい診療方法を模索中ですなどなど、 特にASDや障害のあるお子さんがいる親御さんに見ていただきたい内容が盛りだくさんです! ぜひ、動画をご覧ください! ぜひ、下記のyoutubeよりご覧ください! 第16回ゆるっと菌たちと座談会のゲストは、一般社団法人チャレンジドLIFE代表の畠中直美さん 今年も無事、学術大会が終了して畠中さんと一緒に振り返りをしたいと思います! また、畠中さんもいろんなイベントを主催されていてイベントのこともお聞きしていきます! 開催概要 【日時】  2023年 10月30日 (月) 昼12:00~13:00オンライン開催 ☆延長の可能性あり☆Facebookライブでも視聴可能☆記録のため録画録音しますが、そのままは公開しません ・参加無料・顔出ししなくても大丈夫・出入り自由 参加方法 下記のzoomより、時間になりましたらご参加していただけます。 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83756415783?pwd=OXhBanhDcFN0ZkxMaVFuelFIMkQ1dz09 ミーティングID: 837 5641 5783パスコード: 013185 【Zoom参加特典】Zoomにご参加頂くと直接、質問をすることも可能です!チャットでの質問もできるので顔を出したくない方も安心! また、LINEでお友達追加をして頂くと、当日の朝にリマインドとしてzoomの参加リンクをお送りさせて頂きます。 ぜひ、LINE登録もよろしくお願いいたします。


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